純米大吟醸Junmai Daiginjo
美丈夫 鄙BIJOFU Hina
“Hina” is an old Japanese word meaning “countryside”, and is suggestive of beautiful nature and an easygoing atmosphere in contrast to the elegant and sophisticated ambience of the city. Tano, where we have the brewery, is in the heart of nature’s bounty, near the beautiful sea, mountains and rivers. Junmai Daiginjo Hina embodies a perfect combination of the easygoingness of nature and sophisticated craftsmanship. This sake is precisely “rare even in the countryside”.
- 原料 Materials
- 山田錦 (兵庫県産)Yamada-Nishiki rice
- 精米歩合 Rice Milling Rate
- 45%
- アルコール分 Alcohol Content
- 15%
- 価格(税込) Price (Tax Incl.)
- 720ml 3,300yen / 1800ml 6,050yen
- 北川に自生の蕗
- 北川の小径に分け入った際に出会った自生の蕗。人の手をかりずに天地(あめつち)からの恵みだけで生い茂るたくましさに胸打たれます。人の目にも触れず、仲間たちと群れなす姿は「これで充分」と言っているかのようです。