純米大吟醸 Junmai Daiginjo
美丈夫 舞 BIJOFU Mai
Mai (a type of dance) and sake—two things which make the heart buoyed up with joy—bring us so much consolation to relieve our daily stress. With something common like this, both mai-dance and sake have long been loved and kept alive by the Japanese people. We, the maker, hope this sake named Mai will help you enjoy yourself and invite you to feel mellow with your heart dancing like mai-dance.
- 原料 Materials
- しずく媛 (愛媛県産)Shizukuhime rice
- 精米歩合 Rice Milling Rate
- 50%
- アルコール分 Alcohol Content
- 15%
- 価格(税込) Price (Tax Incl.)
- 300ml 715yen / 720ml 2,035yen / 1800ml 3,960yen
- 北川の清流
- 渓谷を流れる清流は、ぶつかった岩々を丸く研くほどの勢い。風も雨も含んで、あるときは激しく、あるときはゆるやかによどみなく。谷あいの森の中、豊かな自然の中を旅する水は、流れ流れて蔵のある田野へ。