純米吟醸Junmai Ginjo
美丈夫 純麗たまラベルBIJOFU Junrei Tama Label
Fermenting at low temperatures with soft water tasting mild through a long-time process of ripening has given birth to this sake, which has a delicate, gentle flavor. As the result of its careful, gradual brewing process, you can enjoy its slight orange-like fragrance. This sake is one of the junmai ginjos which has a tart and refreshing taste like that of fruit. To drink it will make you feel the sweet softness of swelled rice at first, and then a dry and sharp finishing taste.
- 精米歩合 Rice Milling Rate
- 55%
- アルコール分 Alcohol Content
- 15%
- 価格(税込) Price (Tax Incl.)
- 720ml 1,595yen / 1800ml 3,135yen