発泡性清酒 純米大吟醸Sparkling Junmai Daiginjo
美丈夫 舞 うすにごりBIJOFU Mai Usunigori
Bijofu Mai Usunigori is a sparkling junmai daiginjo nama-zake that will give you the impression that it just may be champagne. A second fermentation inside the bottle using a type of living yeast known as kobo creates silky and refreshing bubbles. The fragrance and agreeably distinctive taste are a perfect fit for drinking before and during a meal.
Since this product is not pasteurized, be sure to always keep it refrigerated and open it gently and with care so it does not bubble over and spill.
- 精米歩合 Rice Milling Rate
- 50%
- アルコール分 Alcohol Content
- 14%
- 価格(税込) Price (Tax Incl.)
- 500ml 1,408yen / 720ml 2,035yen